The Worm Wins...
This year has been a "game changer" in my boutique world. My Boutique has always been designs of mine for women and children. I designed, sewed, made jewelry, decided price points, marketing I wanted... ALL OF IT!
But a year and half ago, after nearly a decade of being divorced... and stating I'd never re-marry... that's right... I married again... it was to JR Watkins.
JR is by far one of the best things that has ever come along in my life... EVER!!
Now, before you click away... tired of another perfect social media story... DON'T CLICK AWAY YET... We are far from that and this blog is actually about JUST THAT!
Soon after dating JR, I began to see beautiful - BEAUTIFUL - furniture... furniture he made. I couldn't believe it... I had never seen such quality and design work like this...EVER! I had always prided myself in having my homes decorated nicely, but this man put me to shame. He had taught himself through his job as a cabinet maker, to build high-end furniture.
After JR and I married, we wanted to incorporate some of his designs into our boutique. As I watched him create it was unbelievable. There could be no picture or mere words on a page that could contain his artistic soul. From the point where he hand picks the wood to the spot where the designs are birthed, to the exactness of his building, each step that brings forth a one-of-a-kind piece.
As the planning stages started for adding the pieces to the boutique, we landed on some charcuterie boards. One day he called me out to his shop... indeed... he had delivered some unbelievable charcuterie boards. The shapes were unique... finishes- top notch, the style was great, and the hand picked wood was breathtaking!
The wood whispered a song of its own splendor. Within days they found their way to the boutique. And just as I had suspected, the customers began to marvel at the quality of the wood and designs.- The BEAUTIFUL wood. There was Hickory, White Oak, Figured Cherry, and Wormy Maple.
Soon, one of the woods began to stand out amongst the customers. The Cherry and Walnut were truly majestic and everyone would admire how gorgeous they were. The Hickory had become the popular farmhouse style everyone wants, and then the Wormy Maple had its own look... a different look... but everyone seemed drawn to it.
JR explained that the Wormy Maple actually started off as a defected wood. It was a wood that a worm had infested at one time, leaving small holes... around the holes extended unique color through the wood. So the Wormy Maple -the wood that everyone was choosing- was actually once a defected wood. Now, however, even though its defective marks were still visible... it had been chosen as a favored wood.
As I sit here looking at the defected wood, it makes me smile. Sometimes the things we are so quick to discard are actually rare finds of beauty - defects and all! (Including people!)
We are all on different paths, different stories, we grow at different rates and sometimes the Good Lord allows us to acquire a few defects along the way... But... just remember... The Wormy Maple is beautiful in spite of its defects!
Are there any "defects" in your life that you've overcome, or realized their beauty in retrospect? Tell us your thoughts below!