Lost & Found Treasure...

In the front of my Brick & Mortar store is an area that I rent out to a great gal named Judy with Judy's Treasure Hunt. It has been the best to rent to Judy's for many reasons. One day while browsing through Judy's store, I opened a small drawer to find an array of old antique silverware items.

I stopped for a moment. I was slightly mesmerized by the silverware that was before me, it was from an era that had passed. I ended up purchasing quite a few of the treasures in that drawer... and in all honesty, it was not my first offence of buying antique silverware.
As a young girl, Sunday dinner was frequently spent with family or friends. This makes me sound old... and I'm NOT!!

Most stores were closed on Sunday. I was raised in a small farm-town community. The prep for Sunday dinner started Saturday morning... laundry, sweeping, dusting, mopping... all the normal things to prepare for company. At some point in the prepping, the silverware and good dishes came out. The silverware was kept in a special chest-like box.

It usually had a more special pattern to it. A bit ornate... it wasn't the every day ware. That silverware made it's appearance at all the Sunday dinners... it came out at all the baby showers, and celebrations, special birthdays and anniversaries. Special pieces were made just for the wedding and looked beautiful up along the cake!
The silverware had long been a hand down to future generations. 
Because it's so beautiful?
It does have it's own beauty... but it's real treasure is where it's been... and if it could talk, it would tell so many stories of laughter and memories. It would tell how young lives were formed. And that real treasure lasts for eternity and has nothing to do with mere money. The big silver cake cutter made its appearance at perhaps only 1-3 occasions but when it came out, it was a PARTY!

When I had seen this picture, I knew this belonged in my kitchen. 

I dug through my scrap wood... when I came across this piece, I knew it was perfect! I didn't want it painted or modernized. That old wood spoke its own story. I wanted the silverware to say it all. I pondered how to get it on the board with no marks. After a little bit of research, I decided on a strong glue. I love it for what it represents to me. 
So when those holiday and special occasions roll around, I guess I love my silverware. I love to see unique finds and I love a pretty set table...ALL DAY LONG!
Sure, my kids may sell it all at a garage sale some day and that is fine because I know in my heart that somewhere a little treasure shop will have a little drawer with some silverware and a little lady will come shopping

and she will remember from her heart... some Sunday dinner company... and she will buy a long ago memory... and it will make her smile. 

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